Tax advantages
Donating to an Association in Italy allows tax breaks for both individuals and legal entities. Furthermore, following the Third Sector Reform, more incentives were introduced for donors.
Private individuals can deduct liberal donations in cash or in kind to the extent of 30% per amount and up to € 30,000.00 per tax period and deduct the amounts disbursed from the total net income within the limit of 10% of the total declared income.
Companies and entities can deduct donations in cash or in kind up to 10% of the declared business income from total net income. They can deduct, for cash donations only, up to 2% of the declared business income or for amounts up to € 30,000.00.
Contributions must be paid by bank or postal system. The deductibility of cash donations is not allowed.
Iban Il Telaio delle Arti
IBAN IT17T0306909606100000132547