We welcome students from the various schools of art therapy and school-work alternation, offering them the opportunity to carry out internships in the different group contexts (disabilities, children, women) and participate in our work teams. From 2019, a collaboration was born with the Design Polytechnic of Milan as part of the activities of the educational module – “User Studies” course held by Professor Figiani Maurizio.
Our training proposals provide for the intertwining and use of methodologies that pertain to art therapy but can be calibrated, according to the needs and necessities of the group contexts, on specific areas of intervention, such as: interculture, management of the group of work, interventions and insights on the issue of disability. The proposals are aimed at operators, teachers, educators.
In schools, the issue of interculture is increasingly becoming a challenge, an educational path.
Encountering interculture means choosing to enrich oneself culturally through intercultural tools that allow to meet each other.
Il Telaio delle Arti offers itineraries through creative doing (art, music, movement and story-telling), integrating them with approaches and methodologies that pertain to active education and Jungian psychology.
Universal themes are chosen (time, hospitality, compass, labyrinth) which E. De Martino defined as elementarily human, capable of evoking deep resonances in everyone regardless of their country of origin or their cultural habits, conveying identification and empathy.
Training can take place in one or more 4-hour modules depending on the emerging needs and requirements.
A training experience aimed at volunteers from the world of associations.
The possibility of using different and creative approaches in company training is a significant opportunity mainly because it gives the worker the opportunity to experiment him/herself in a different environment than his/her usual work scenario and allows to deepen themes such as: well-being in the workplace, reinforce the team working, facilitate communication, increase work motivation.